#DearMama-Meet Bre

#DearMama-Meet Bre


Its Monday so y'all know what time it is! For the third installment of this years #DearMama I want to introduce yall to another one of my faves, Bre. She is seriously one of the sweetest, honest, most real, mamas that I've ever met on IG. Keep reading below to get to know her a little bit more.

A little bit about her

Hi, I’m Bre: self-proclaimed Hippy, rainbow mama, moon lover and truth seeker. My motto has always been “ignorance is bliss... but, knowledge is power.” The importance of always learning is a value I pray to instill in my tribe. An open mind and an open heart is the blueprint for a successful life.


What does motherhood mean to you?

Motherhood means giving my girls a life I dreamt of. Allowing them space to feel heard and feel safe. Motherhood means looking at my shadow side, accepting my flaws then moving forward towards healing. Motherhood means my heart and my soul are fulfilled daily.  Motherhood means everything to me. Even on my darkest days. 


Best/Toughest moment of motherhood?

My best moment in motherhood was the moment when Penelope met Juliet for the first time. I will never forget how instinctively gentle and loving she was toward her. I was so proud to be their mom, in that moment. 


The toughest moments both happened heading to the emergency room. The first time with Juliet as a brand new 5 week old. The second, most recently, when Penelope got Croup and had a fever of 104.2. The adrenaline that courses through you when you’re in that fight or flight state is overwhelming to think about. 

What has motherhood taught you?

Unconditional love has been my greatest lesson in motherhood. On my hard days, when I’m running on little sleep, my patience is thin, my nerves are shot and my frustration is high, these sweet angel babies still LOVE me... wholeheartedly. WHAT?! That always blows my mind and humbles me to the point of tears. I am truly grateful to be a mother and to have received the gifts of motherhood. 


Instagram- @thecurioushippy

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